After the necessary health examination of the student who comes to the infirmary, according to his/her condition;
*may return to class,
*If necessary, it can be kept under observation for a while,
*After the parents are called about the student's condition and approval is obtained, the student is given medication or informed that he/she needs to be picked up from school.
All interventions are recorded during the day and shared with parents via the K12 Parent Information Portal.
Our health unit team prepares a "Health Bulletin" containing health issues for students and parents for each term.
During the term, according to the age groups of our students, trainings are given on "Hygiene Education", "Puberty", "Healthy Nutrition" and similar topics.
Seminars on more comprehensive topics are organised in consultation with experts or institutions.
In order to monitor the physical development of our kindergarten and primary school students, height-weight measurements are made every year and evaluated according to the Ministry of Health's percentile chart and the findings are shared with parents on the K12 portal.
Practices such as "Preventive Oral and Dental Health Programme" and "Hearing Screening Programme for School Age Children" implemented by the Ministry of Health are coordinated by our health unit by informing our parents.