

ABC Middle School students are inquisitive, have learned ways to access knowledge, possess 21st-century skills, are aware of their talents and interests, develop them, have the technological knowledge required by the age, and have acquired the habit of disciplined and regular study. Our primary goal is to raise individuals who are socially responsible, aware of their responsibilities, and committed to national and spiritual values.


At ABC Middle School, our teachers are experienced educators with pedagogical training and subject knowledge. In our school, which has a stable teaching staff, teachers are knowledgeable about examination systems, new teaching methods, and techniques, and they are guiding leaders for students.


At ABC Middle School, 5th and 6th-grade students participate in optional clubs and foreign language reinforcement programs on Saturdays until noon. In addition, based on the results of mock exams, students in need are invited to mandatory tutoring sessions by the school administration.

7th and 8th-grade students attend mandatory LGS (High School Transition Exam) preparation programs on Saturdays from 09:00 to 13:00. Weekend classes are organized in homogeneous groups, and changes are made throughout the year based on the results of various exams.


Preparation for national exams begins in the 5th grade at ABC Middle School. The additional resources used by our teachers in their lessons are suitable for examination systems. All of our teachers use methods and techniques that measure students' reasoning skills, support their analytical thinking, and improve their interpretation and expression skills. Students who master these techniques are successful in the exams at the end of the 8th grade. Starting from the 7th grade, exam preparation lessons are added to the curriculum, and mandatory exam preparation programs are implemented on weekends. The 8th-grade students' schedules are arranged to complete their preparations for national exams intensively. In these lessons, students both consolidate their knowledge of the subjects and solve exam questions.

In addition to that, mandatory exam preparation programs are also implemented on weekends. In these programs, in homogeneous classes, question-solving, topic explanations, and completion of deficiencies are carried out according to the needs of the students. Also, during the midterm breaks in November and April, exam preparation lessons continue, and a one-week camp program is implemented for students. One month before the national exams, classes are organized homogeneously, and an intensive program consisting of topic reviews, question-solving, and exams is implemented.


At ABC Middle School, mock exams are conducted regularly. Mock exams are comprehensive exams suitable for the national curriculum. In the 5th grade, mock exams are followed by mandatory tutoring sessions for students identified as in need, on Saturdays.

In the 7th and 8th grades, the results of mock exams are used to determine the content of mandatory exam preparation programs held on Saturdays. Various sources are used for mock exams to familiarize students with different question types and to help them gain exam experience.