
As ABC Schools, it is one of our primary duties to enable our students to create rich and different perspectives for themselves in every field; to provide opportunities for our students to realise themselves, to use their free time in a planned and useful way, to reinforce what they have learned and to see that these learnings are related to life with practice, in addition to our academic courses with the necessity of developing skills and life intertwined in a qualified education. In addition to 13 different music rooms where students can work with all kinds of instruments and small groups, we offer 30 workshops such as wood, origami, dance, drama, visual arts, etc. We offer opportunities for our students to develop their learning motivation and skills by bringing life to school.

Drama Sınıfı

Drama Sınıfı

Bale ve Dans Salonu

Görsel Sanatlar Atölyesi

4 Nolu Müzik Kulübü Atölyesi

Ahşap Tasarım Atölyesi

1 Nolu Müzik Sınıfı

9 Nolu Bireysel Enstrüman Çalışma Odası

8 Nolu Enstrüman Performans Atölyesi

3 Nolu Müzik Sınıfı

10 Nolu Bireysel Enstrüman Çalışma Odası

4 Nolu Müzik Kulübü Atölyesi

3 Nolu Müzik Sınıfı

6 Nolu Enstrüman Performans Atölyesi

2 Nolu Müzik Sınıfı

7 Nolu Enstrüman Performans Atölyesi