


The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit of ABC Private Ankara Kindergarten aims to provide developmental and preventive guidance services that prioritize students' personal-social development, as well as their intellectual development, through an original program.

Our Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit aims to help our students solve the difficulties they encounter in their developmental process without turning them into problems, and aims to contribute to the development of individuals who are sensitive to their surroundings, have self-management skills, are principled, happy, and healthy. Taking into account the developmental characteristics of the preschool period, the unit's works aim to help individuals recognize themselves and their environment, lead a harmonious and happy life, and make realistic plans. 


Private Ankara ABC Primary School


The ABC Primary School Psychological Counseling and Guidance Services are based on the IB PYP philosophy and aim to:

    • Help individuals get to know themselves and adapt to home, school, and society.
    • Enable self-management.
    • Make correct choices and self-realization.
    • Establish healthy interactions and live in harmony with other people.
    • Possess human and basic values.
    • Discover talents and interests to complete their social, psychological, and cognitive development in a healthy way.
  • Support them in accessing knowledge by following their own learning.

As an approach and content, ABC Schools PDR Unit aims to provide "Developmental and Preventive Guidance" services, focusing on learner-centeredness and creating the necessary environment for the entire learning community to collaborate.

School Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit Activities

The ABC Schools PDR Unit has created its own unique curriculum for its PDR Services in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of National Education and the IB, and continues its instructional activities with this program. However, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Services have a wide program that includes duties and responsibilities beyond instruction, including the educational program.

PDR Services Instructional Program

The ABC Schools PDR Unit determines topics and carries out various studies to raise individuals who have the IB learner profile characteristics, who use all their learning with the skills they have acquired and who take action. Therefore, the PDR Services Instructional Program does not cover a specific lesson duration. Achievements prepared in accordance with the class levels are worked on by focusing on certain periods in the program as class levels progress. However, the main goal is for these achievements to be internalized with a common perspective by the entire learning community from the first grade to the fourth grade.

Behavior Improvement Studies:

    • The guidance teacher holds frequent student-focused meetings with the school administration and teachers to make detailed evaluations about all students.
    • Throughout the year, tests, inventory studies, in-class and out-of-class observation studies are conducted.
    • Tüm çalışmalar ışığında öğrencinin okul ortamına uyumunu ve sosyalleşmesini zorlaştıran, dolayısıyla değiştirilmek istenen davranışlar belirlenir. Ardından ulaşılmak istenen hedef davranışa yönelik, öğrenen topluluğunun ortak bir tutum sergilemesi için çalışmalar yürütülür.  Bu çalışmalar ihtiyaca göre; eğitim öğretim ortamıyla ilgili düzenlemeler, bireysel ya da grup çalışmaları, öğrenci atölyeleri, öğrenci ve veli görüşmeleri, anlaşmalar gibi farklı şekillerde yapılabilir.
    • Collaboration with Parents:

Learners' parents are an essential part of the learning community. Therefore, every step taken for student development should be taken together.

The ABC Schools Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit prioritizes practices such as "Parent Education" and "Parent Guidance" by collaborating with families within the service flow. For this purpose, education programs are implemented on issues such as students' needs and problems, family relationships, communication with children and adolescents, developmental stages and characteristics, and parenting attitudes. At the same time, brochures, bulletins, and brochures are prepared to support parents, and conferences and seminars are organized.

Regular parent meetings are planned during the term with the aim of obtaining information about our student's past experiences and personality characteristics, providing information about our applied education program, providing feedback on the results of inventories and tests conducted, and obtaining feedback on the results of the studies carried out within the scope of preventive and developmental guidance.

Every child is a unique individual. Child education is an art that determines the future of societies and should be continued throughout life. Private Ankara ABC Primary School Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit plans and carries out its work with the awareness of its responsibility to raise individuals who are committed to national values, have international awareness, and are sensitive to themselves, society, and the world.




In today's educational approach, it is accepted that each student has individual differences, making student-centered education and teaching more important. Therefore, the importance of Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PDR) services is increasing. 

The Private Ankara ABC Middle School Guidance Services are based on providing assistance to help students know themselves better, be aware of their characteristics, recognize the opportunities and options available to them, make realistic decisions for themselves, develop their potentials, show appropriate coping skills in the face of obstacles and problems, and adapt to their environment. 

Within this scope, the activities of the ABC Middle School Guidance Service are as follows: 

Orientation and Adjustment Activities: These activities include activities that will facilitate the adaptation of students who are new to the school to their peer group, school culture, and education program.

Getting to Know the Individual: The first condition for providing the most effective service to students is to know them. Our main goal is to help individuals get to know themselves. For this purpose, both tests and non-test techniques are applied.

Group Counseling

Group activities for students are carried out to enable students to acquire knowledge in line with their needs or as determined by the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit. Group guidance activities are organized for students' educational and vocational guidance and for their individual and social development.

Students participating in group activities have the opportunity to see that other students with similar problems to themselves are also present. In addition, they find the opportunity to express themselves more comfortably in a group environment. In these activities, students are offered activities where they can develop their social skills.

Efforts to Increase Academic Achievement: At our school, efforts are made for students to take responsibility, make plans, manage their time, and acquire effective study habits. Students' academic achievements are monitored by the guidance service, and the results are shared with our teachers and parents, and evaluated.

Values Education Project: The values education program aims to remind students of some values that are on the verge of being forgotten, such as love, respect, tolerance, honesty, self-confidence, responsibility, cooperation, and understanding. Students are encouraged to adopt these values in their behavior.

Career Guidance: Knowing oneself (academic success, goals and expectations, strengths and weaknesses, etc.), Discovering Interests and Abilities (Test, questionnaire and inventory results, observation and interview records, etc.), Creating interest in professions and providing information about them are carried out.

Efforts for the Exam: The results of the mock exams, which are held at certain times every semester, are evaluated. Meetings are held with students and parents to share the results. Meetings are held with students to create individual study plans and discuss time management. Information seminars on the examination system are organized. Necessary procedures are completed in cooperation with parents during the school preference period. During the November and April midterm breaks, exam preparation classes continue, and a one-week camp program is implemented for students. One month before the national exams, classes are organized homogeneously, and an intensive program consisting of topic reviews, question-solving, and exams is implemented.

For Parents

Student-Parent Orientation Studies: Students and families experiencing adaptation and adaptation problems to the school are supported individually.

Individual Meetings: As the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service, we continue to have meetings with our parents every semester. Meetings are held every semester with parents, either to provide feedback on the work done or when deemed necessary by the PDR Unit.

Individual parent meetings are held by appointment. It is important for parents to make appointments by phone, except for emergency situations, in order to allocate the necessary time to parents. The content of the meetings varies according to each student and parent, and confidentiality is essential.

Seminars for Parents: According to the needs of the parents;

  • Effective Communication within the Family

  • Characteristics of Adolescence

  • Exam Anxiety

  • Examination System

  • Parent Attitudes, etc.

topics determined by guidance teachers or experts in the field are presented.



Various guidance activities are organized in our school to support our students' academic, social, and psychological development. These activities are designed to meet individual student needs and provide them with support.

First of all, we offer special guidance lessons to our students at every level. In these lessons, we provide support to our students in developing academic, social, and emotional skills. Guidance lessons cover topics such as increasing students' self-confidence, improving communication skills, and managing stress.

Rehberlik dersleri, öğrencilerimizin özgüvenlerini artırmak, iletişim becerilerini geliştirmek ve stres yönetimi gibi konuları ele almaktadır.
In our school, we regularly monitor the academic, social, and psychological well-being of our students. During this monitoring process, we observe students' levels of success, attendance records, social relationships, and emotional states. This allows us to identify students' needs and provide the necessary support.

Ayrıca, öğrencilerimizin düzenli çalışma alışkanlıkları geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak için aylık ödev kitapçığı ve çalışma programı hazırlanmaktadır. Bu kitapçık ve program, öğrencilerimize her ay için ödevlerin ve ders çalışmalarının planlı bir şekilde yapılmasını sağlamaktadır. Rehberlik öğretmenlerimiz, öğrencilerimizin bu programı takip etmelerini desteklemekte ve gerektiğinde yönlendirme yapmaktadır.

Okulumuzda veli ve öğrenci görüşmeleri büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Rehberlik öğretmenlerimiz, düzenli olarak velilerle ve öğrencilerle birebir görüşmeler yaparak, öğrencilerimizin gelişimini takip etmekte ve gerektiğinde destek sağlamaktadır. Bu görüşmelerde, öğrencilerimizin akademik başarıları, sosyal ilişkileri, ilgi ve yetenekleri gibi konular ele alınmakta ve gerekli yönlendirme yapılmaktadır.

Okulumuzdaki rehberlik faaliyetleri, öğrencilerimizin bireysel ve akademik gelişimlerini desteklemeyi hedeflemektedir. Rehberlik öğretmenlerimiz, öğrencilerimizin potansiyellerini ortaya çıkarmaya, sorunlarla başa çıkmaya ve geleceğe yönelik planlamalar yapmalarına yardımcı olmaktadır. Böylece, öğrencilerimizin sağlıklı bir şekilde gelişmeleri ve başarılı bireyler olmaları desteklenmektedir.

9th Grade Guidance Activities:


We follow the academic, social and personal development of our students by conducting regular counselling interviews with our students by our expert counsellors.
These meetings, along with assessments, help students discover their interests, skills, and talents.


Meetings with parents are conducted as needed, either according to parents' own needs or as determined by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit.


We improve our students' study habits with a study programme prepared and given in two-week periods according to their current needs. In parallel with this, we support our student's achievements with monthly homework assignment follow-up, follow-up and evaluation of monthly trial screening exam results.
We contribute to their personal, educational and social development with seminars determined by our unit according to the needs of our students.


Seminars are organized throughout the year based on the needs and requests of students and/or parents. These seminars are conducted by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit or experts in the respective field. Topics such as Effective Study Techniques, Time Management, Learning Styles, and Problem Solving Strategies are covered.
Verimli Ders Çalışma Sistemi, Ergenlik Döneminde Ebeveyn Olmak, Kariyer Planlama gibi çeşitli konularda seminerler düzenlenmektedir.


Her hafta ‘‘Hedef Belirliyorum’’ REHBERLİK dersleri veriyoruz.
In this way, we help our students to choose their departments and determine their future goals.
We carry out our counselling courses within the framework of our students' educational, social and personal needs, taking into account their age and grade levels.
Verimli Ders Çalışma Teknikleri, Zaman Yönetimi, Öğrenme Stilleri, Etkili Sorun Çözme Basamakları gibi sınıf içi rehberlik faaliyetleri gerçekleştirilir.


Newsletters are prepared by the Guidance Unit at the beginning of the school year to inform parents and students.
These newsletters are shared with parents on a monthly basis.


We follow the academic, social and personal development of our students by conducting regular counselling interviews with our students by our expert counsellors.
These meetings, along with assessments, help students discover their interests, skills, and talents.


Meetings with parents are conducted as needed, either according to parents' own needs or as determined by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit.


We improve our students' study habits with a study programme prepared and given in two-week periods according to their current needs. In parallel with this, we support our student's achievements with monthly homework assignment follow-up, follow-up and evaluation of monthly trial screening exam results.
We contribute to their personal, educational and social development with seminars determined by our unit according to the needs of our students.


Seminars are organized throughout the year based on the needs and requests of students and/or parents. These seminars are conducted by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit or experts in the respective field. Topics such as Effective Study Techniques, Time Management, Learning Styles, and Problem Solving Strategies are covered.
Bilişim Suçları, Akran Zorbalığı, Kariyer Planlama, Aile İçi İletişim gibi çeşitli konularda seminerler düzenlenmektedir.


Her hafta ‘‘Bölüm Seçiyorum’’ REHBERLİK dersleri veriyoruz.
In this way, we help our students to choose their departments and determine their future goals.
We carry out our counselling courses within the framework of our students' educational, social and personal needs, taking into account their age and grade levels.
Test Çözme Teknikleri, Bölüm Seçiminin Önemi, Geleceğe Dair Planlarım gibi sınıf içi rehberlik faaliyetleri gerçekleştirilir.


Newsletters are prepared by the Guidance Unit at the beginning of the school year to inform parents and students.
These newsletters are shared with parents on a monthly basis.


We follow the academic, social and personal development of our students by conducting regular counselling interviews with our students by our expert counsellors.
These meetings, along with assessments, help students discover their interests, skills, and talents.


Meetings with parents are conducted as needed, either according to parents' own needs or as determined by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit.


We improve our students' study habits with a study programme prepared and given in two-week periods according to their current needs. In parallel with this, we support our student's achievements with monthly homework assignment follow-up, follow-up and evaluation of monthly trial screening exam results.
We contribute to their personal, educational and social development with seminars determined by our unit according to the needs of our students.
We carry out activities that will guide our students in discovering their own interests and talents, learning the YKS system, getting to know the departments and universities, developing regular study habits, learning how to cope with exam anxiety, and carefully evaluating practice exams.


Seminars are organized throughout the year based on the needs and requests of students and/or parents. These seminars are conducted by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit or experts in the respective field. Topics such as Effective Study Techniques, Time Management, Learning Styles, and Problem Solving Strategies are covered.
YKS Bilgilendirme ve Veliye Düşen Görevler, Verimli Ders Çalışma Sistemi, Test ve Sınav Teknikleri gibi çeşitli konularda seminerler düzenlenmektedir.


Her hafta ”Kariyerimi Planlıyorum’’ REHBERLİK dersleri veriyoruz.
We carry out our counselling courses within the framework of our students' educational, social and personal needs, taking into account their age and grade levels.
Böylece öğrencilerimizin kariyer hedeflerini belirlemelerine ve üniversite tercihlerine hazırlanmalarına yardımcı oluyoruz.
11.Sınf ve YKS Hazırlık Süreci, Meslek ve Üniversite Tanıtımları gibi sınıf içi rehberlik faaliyetleri gerçekleştirilir.


We follow the academic, social and personal development of our students by conducting regular counselling interviews with our students by our expert counsellors.
These meetings, along with assessments, help students discover their interests, skills, and talents.


Meetings with parents are conducted as needed, either according to parents' own needs or as determined by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit.


We improve our student's study habits with the study programme prepared and given in two-week periods in line with the current needs of our students. In parallel with this, we support our student's achievements with regular homework follow-up, follow-up and evaluation of TYT and AYT exam results.
We contribute to their personal, educational and social development with seminars determined by our unit according to the needs of our students.
We carry out activities that will guide our students in discovering their own interests and talents, learning the YKS system, getting to know the departments and universities, developing regular study habits, learning how to cope with exam anxiety, and carefully evaluating practice exams.


Seminars are organized throughout the year based on the needs and requests of students and/or parents. These seminars are conducted by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit or experts in the respective field. Topics such as Effective Study Techniques, Time Management, Learning Styles, and Problem Solving Strategies are covered.
Seminars are organised on various topics such as Exam Anxiety and Solutions, Preferences and Career Choices, Test and Exam Techniques.


Her hafta ”Üniversitemi Seçiyorum” REHBERLİK dersleri veriyoruz.
We carry out our counselling courses within the framework of our students' educational, social and personal needs, taking into account their age and grade levels.
Böylece öğrencilerimizin kariyer hedeflerini belirlemelerine ve üniversite tercihlerine hazırlanmalarına yardımcı oluyoruz.
Test ve Sınav Teknikleri, Sınav Kaygısı, Yüksek Öğretim Programları Tanıtımı gibi sınıf içi rehberlik faaliyetleri gerçekleştirilir.


Newsletters are prepared by the Guidance Unit at the beginning of the school year to inform parents and students.
These newsletters are shared with parents on a monthly basis.