

Kütüphane Öğretmeni

Misyon: ABC Okulları Kütüphanesi, öğrenene sorgulama bilincini kazandırarak merak duygusu ve yaratıcılığın gelişimini sağlamayı, ahlaki ve etik değerlerden şaşmadan öğrenenin var olan bilgiye nasıl erişeceği ve bilgiyi nasıl kullanacağı yönünde destek vermeyi, hayat boyu öğrenme sürecine hem kendini hem öğreneni dâhil etmeyi kendine misyon edinmiştir.

Vizyon: Yerel değerleri terk etmeden uluslararası bilinç düzeyinde niceliksel ve niteliksel olarak koleksiyonunu zenginleştiren, personeliyle, teknolojik altyapı ve hizmetleriyle öğrenen okul toplumunun gelişimini destekleyen, lider bir bilgi merkezi olmaktır.

ABC Schools Library has a structure developed in accordance with the IB (International Baccalaureate) education model system, which aims to spread peace, multiculturalism and tolerance in the world by providing the learner with the qualities of researcher-inquirer, knowledgeable and sensitive.

In addition to our central library, which is used by all teachers, students, parents and staff of ABC Schools, we also have a kindergarten library and a primary school library. Our central library is staffed by an expert library teacher.

The ergonomic structure of our library, which allows users to do research easily, is designed in accordance with modern school libraries. Our library is developing day by day in terms of both quantity and quality with nearly 5,000 materials. In addition, 6 computers in the library can be actively used for research. 5.000’e yakın materyal sayısıyla hem nicelik hem de nitelik açıdan her geçen gün artmaktadır. Ayrıca kütüphane bünyesinde bulunan 6 bilgisayar araştırmalar için aktif olarak kullanılabilmektedir.

Kütüphanemizde Dewey Onlu Sınıflandırma Sistemi (Dewey Decimal Classification – DDC) uygulanmakta olup kütüphanedeki işlemler ve yönergeler bu sisteme göre planlanmıştır. Ayrıca kütüphanemizdeki materyaller KOHA kütüphane otomasyon yazılımı alt yapısında muhafaza edilmekte ve işlemler bu sistem üzerinden yapılmaktadır. Kütüphanemizin kullanımıyla ilgili bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır:
  • Our library is open between 09.10-18.30 on weekdays and Saturdays.

  • All students, teachers, parents and staff are regular members of the library.

  • Books are lent for 2 weeks with a maximum of 3 copies at a time and magazines are lent for 1 week with a maximum of 1 copy at a time.

  • A material can be extended for 2 more weeks only once, but the right of extension can be 10 times for one academic year.

  • A new resource is not lent to the user unless the resource whose return period has expired is returned or extended.

  • Consultation/Reference resources (such as reference books) are not lent.

  • In case of damage or loss of borrowed resources, the user is asked to provide the same resource, and in cases where it cannot be provided, the user is asked to purchase a resource equivalent to the lost resource.

  • Three weeks before the end of the academic year, the lending service is stopped. It is important that all materials are present in the library at the end of the year.

  • Users can use the computers in the library for browsing the library catalogue, for educational purposes and for internet research.

  • Library resources are provided to the library through purchase or donation system. Our users who donate books are given an electronic certificate of appreciation.

  • Food and beverages, except water, are not allowed in the library.

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